Are we there yet? A high performing, high integrity Victorian public service
2 June 2015
● News and mediaVPSC Victoria series
Location: Melbourne
Speaker: Hon Gavin Jennings, Special Minister of State and Leader of the Government in the Legislative Council
Panel: Bronwen Fitzgerald, DPC, Judith Abbott, DHHS & Dionne Eagleson, DELWP
Moderator: Peter Allen, Former Deputy Dean, ANZSOG
Key insights gained from the seminar
- The importance of promoting a culture of integrity in the public service and becoming more transparent in demonstrating public sector values to improve public perception of the VPS.
- Government perspectives on its approach to community consultation and the Minister’s perceptions of the integrity and accountability in the VPS in the context of the IBAC hearings.
- The importance of engagement and transparency.
- Give courageous advice and think big picture.
- New Government focus on delivering services to the public, rather than achieving greater efficiencies.
- The Government’s interest in searching and co-developing best practice.
- The integrity changes the Government will bring in by the end of the year.
- Strong emphasis on collaborative work.
View Hon Gavin Jennings VPSC Victoria series brochure June 2015
Listen to Hon Gavin Jennings presentation