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Maggie Walter

Professor of Sociology and Pro Vice-Chancellor of Aboriginal Research and Leadership

University of Tasmania

Faculty: Expert contributors

Tasmania, Australia

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Maggie Walter (PhD) is palawa, descending from the pairrebenne people of North Eastern Tasmania and a member of the Tasmanian Aboriginal Briggs family. She holds the dual roles of Professor of Sociology and Pro Vice-Chancellor, Aboriginal Research and Leadership at the University of Tasmania and teaches and publishes in the fields of race relations, inequality and research methods and methodologies. Maggie’s books include the bestselling edited Social Research Methods (2006, 2009, 2013 OUP); A Quantitative Research Methodology (2013, co-authored with C. Andersen, Routledge) and Indigenous Children Growing Up Strong (2017 co-edited with K.L. Martin and G. Bodkin-Andrews, Palgrave McMillan). Maggie is a founding member of the Miaim nayri Wingara Australian Indigenous Data Sovereignty Collective and an active participant in national and international Indigenous Data Sovereignty networks. She has published extensively on this topic, most recently The voice of Indigenous data: Beyond the markers of disadvantage in the Griffith Review (60) and “Indigenous Data, Indigenous Methodologies and Indigenous Data Sovereignty’ with M. Suina (International Journal of Social Research Methodologies).