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Sandra Parker


Jeff Whalan Learning Group |

Alumni Ambassador | EFP 2008 & CRP 2016


VIC, Australia

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Sandra is currently the CEO of Jeff Whalan Learning Group. Prior to this role, Sandra was the CEO of the Fair Work Ombudsman from 2018-2023, a statutory agency that regulates 1 million workplaces and nearly 14 million workers across Australia.

Prior to her appointment as Fair Work Ombudsman, Sandra served as Deputy Secretary at the Department of Jobs and Small Business and its predecessors for eight years. She was Deputy Secretary, Employment Services and Deputy Secretary, Workplace Relations and Economic Strategy.

Sandra’s previous roles span Commonwealth and State and include serving as the head of the Office of the Australian Safety and Compensation Council, a tripartite national body that oversaw the establishment of national occupational health and safety and workers’ compensation policy and standards.

Sandra has held various policy and program management roles in vocational education and training at Commonwealth and state government levels. She began her career as a teacher working in Tasmania, Canberra and London. Sandra holds a Bachelor of Education from the University of Tasmania and is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. She is also an alumnus of the Harvard Kennedy School of Government and the Australia and New Zealand School of Government.

Sandra was awarded a Public Service Medal for her outstanding contribution to workplace relations policy and program delivery in 2018.

Sandra Parker graduated from the Executive Fellows Program in 2008 and China Reciprocal Program 2016. Sandra is currently an Alumni Ambassador. She was also a member of ANZSOG’s Alumni Advisory Council from 2021-2023.

  • To find out more about the Alumni Advisory Council, click here
  • To find out more about the Alumni Ambassador, click here