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Quentin Grafton

Professor of Economics

Australian National University

College of Asia and the Pacific

Faculty: Expert contributors

Canberra, Australia

Areas of expertise

  • Economics and finance

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Quentin Grafton, FASSA, is Professor of Economics, Chairholder UNESCO Chair in Water Economics and Transboundary Water Governance, Executive Director of the Asia and Pacific Policy Society, and Director of the Centre for Water Economics, Environment and Policy (CWEEP) at the Crawford School of Public Policy at the Australian National University. He also serves as the Director of the Food, Energy, Environment and Water (FE2W) Network.

He served as Chief Economist and Foundation Executive Director of the Australian Bureau of Resources and Energy Economics (2011-2013) and was formerly Director of the Australian institute for Public Policy.

He has published more than 120 scholarly articles in some of the world’s leading journals in economics and also the life sciences (such as Science and Nature Climate Change), more than 40 chapters in books, and 15 edited or co-authored books.

He has served in various advisory roles in Australia and overseas, including as Chair of the International Geothermal Expert Group (2013-14), Chair of the Social and Economics Reference Panel of the Murray-Darling Basin Commission (2008-2009) and currently serves as the Chair of the Marine Estate Expert Knowledge Panel for the State of New South Wales.

ANZSOG programs

Prof Grafton teaches in the following ANZSOG courses:

Executive Master of Public Administration (EMPA)
– Government in a Market Economy

Selected publications

Grafton, R. Q., Daniell, K., Nauges, C., Rinaudo, J., & Chan, N. (eds) (2015) Understanding and Managing Urban Water in Transition. Global Issues in Water Policy Vol. 15. Netherlands: Springer.
Grafton, R. Q., Segerson, K., & Squires, D. (2015) Promoting Green Growth in Fisheries. In J. Bennett (ed.), Protecting the Environment, Privately. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Company.
Grafton, R. Q., & Squires, D. (2015). The economic sustainability paradigm and freshwater and marine fisheries governance. In A. Dinar & K. Schwabe (eds), Handbook of Water Economics. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Grafton, R. Q. & Wheeler, S. (2015) Water Economics. In R. Halvorsen and D. F. Layton (eds), Handbook on the Economics of Natural Resources. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Syed, A., Grafton, R. Q., Kalirajan, K., & Parham, D. (2015) Multifactor productivity growth and the Australian mining sector. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 59(4): 549-570.
Grafton, R. Q., Chu, L., & Kompas, T. (2015) Optimal water tariffs and supply augmentation for cost-of-service regulated water utilities. Utilities Policy, 34: 54-62.
Little, L. R., Hobday, A. J., Parslow, J., Davies, C. R., & Grafton, R. Q. (2015) Funding climate adaptation strategies with climate derivatives. Climate Risk Management, 8: 9-15.
Grafton, R. Q., J. Williams and Q. Jiang. Food and Water Gaps to 2050. Food Security, 7(2): 209-220, 2015.
To, H., & Grafton, R. Q. (2015) Oil prices, biofuels production and food security: past trends and future challenges. Food Security, 7(2): 323-336.
Grafton, R. Q., Daugbjerg, C., & Qureshi, M. E. (2015) Towards food security by 2050. Food Security, 7(2): 179-183.
Nikolakis, W., Grafton, R. Q. and H. To. (2015) Putting Indigenous water rights to work: the Sustainable Livelihoods Framework as a lens for remote development, Community Development, 46(2): 149-163.
Yamazaki, S., Jennings, S., Grafton, R. Q., & Kompas, T. (2015) Are marine reserves and harvest control rules substitutes or complements for rebuilding fisheries? Resource and Energy Economics, 40: 1-18.
Chu, L., Kompas, T. & Grafton, R. Q. (2015) Impulse Controls and Uncertainty in Economics. Environmental Modelling and Software, 65: 50-57.
Grafton, R. Q. & Lambie, R. N. (2014) Australia’s Liquefied Natural Gas Sector: Past Developments, Current Challenges and Ways Forward. Australian Economic Review, 47(4): 509-522.
Grafton, R. Q., Chu, L., Kompas, T., & Ward, M. (2014) Volumetric water pricing, social surplus and supply augmentation. Water Resources and Economics, 6: 74-87.
Grafton, R. Q. & Kompas, T. (2014) Three Pillars of Fisheries Policy. Asia and the Pacific Policy Studies, 1(3): 609-614.
Grafton, R. Q., Kompas, T. & Van Long, N. (2014) Increase in risk and its effects on welfare and optimal policies in a dynamic setting: the case of global pollution. Geneva Risk and Insurance Review, 39: 40-62.
Grafton, R. Q., Wyroll, P., White, C., & Allendes, D. (eds) (2014) Global Water: Issues and Challenges. Canberra: ANU Press.
Nikolakis, W. & Grafton, R. Q. (2014) Fairness and Justice and Community Water Allocations: Insights from Indigenous Communities in Northern Australia. Water Policy, 16: 19-35.
Grafton, R. Q., Pittock, J., Williams, J., Jiang, Q., Possingham, H., & Quiggin, J. (2014) Water planning and hydro-climatic change in the Murray-Darling Basin, Australia. Ambio, 43(8): 1082-1092.
Grafton, R. Q., Kompas, T., Van Long, N., & To, H. (2014) US biofuels subsidies and CO 2 emissions: An empirical test for a weak and a strong green paradox. Energy Policy, 68: 550-555.
Linh-Son, N., Grafton, R. Q., To, H. & Kompas, T. (2014) Multiple Use Management Strategies and Marine Reserves. Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture, 22(2): 131-141.
Grafton, R. Q. & Horne, J. (2014) Water Markets in the Murray-Darling Basin. Agricultural Water Management, 145(Nov): 61-71.
Akter, S., Grafton, R. Q., & Merritt, W. S. (2014) Integrated hydro-ecological and economic modeling of environmental flows: Macquarie Marshes, Australia. Agricultural Water Management, 145(Nov): 98-109.
Pittock, J. & Grafton, R. Q. (2014) Future Directions for Water and Agriculture in Southern Africa. In J. Pittock, R.Q. Grafton and C. White, Water, Food, and Agricultural Sustainability in Southern Africa. Tilde University Press.