Professor Len Collard
Australian Research Council, Chief Investigator
The University of Western Australia
School of Indigenous Studies
Faculty: Expert contributors

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Directory update requestProfessor Len Collard is an Australian Research Council, Chief Investigator with the School of Indigenous Studies at the University of Western Australia. Len has a background in literature and communications and his research interests are in the area of Aboriginal Studies, including Nyungar interpretive histories and Nyungar theoretical and practical research models. Len has conducted research funded by the Australian Research Council, the National Trust of Western Australia, the Western Australian Catholic Schools and the Swan River Trust, Community Arts Network WA, Lowitja Foundation and many many other organisations. Professor Collard’s research has allowed the broadening of the understanding of the many unique language characteristics of Australia’s Aboriginal people and has contributed enormously to improving the appreciation of Aboriginal culture and heritage of the Southwest of Australia. Len’s ground breaking theoretical work has put Nyungar cultural research on the local, national and international stages using his original Nyungar language to construct the theoretical and applied trilogy of boodjar, moort and katatjiny or country, people and knowledge. Finally Len is a Whadjuk Nyungar elder and who is a respected Traditional Owner of the Perth Metropolitan area and surrounding lands, rivers, swamps ocean and its culture.