Jarrod Cowley-Grimmond
Acting Deputy Director General
Queensland Government
Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water
Faculty: Expert contributors
QLD, Australia

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Directory update requestJarrod has more than 20 years’ experience in policy development and implementation, project management, and best-practice regulation in Queensland and the United Kingdom, with skills in leadership, stakeholder management, intergovernmental relations, strategic reform, and legislative development.
Jarrod’s substantive role is Executive Director of Water Operations and Systems, and he has previously acted as the department’s Head of Corporate. He took up his current Acting Deputy Director-General role in March 2023.
Jarrod is also active in the national Regulators’ Community of Practice and represents Queensland at the Murray-Darling Basin Regulatory Leaders Forum.
Prior to joining the public sector, Jarrod worked as a lawyer. He holds a Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Laws with Honours and a Master of Laws.