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Gillian Savage

Deputy Director, Professional Development

Australian Strategic Policy Institute

Alumni Ambassador



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Find out more about ANZSOG’s Executive Fellows Program

Gillian Savage undertook the ANZSOG Executive Fellows Program (EFP) in 2009 as a Senior Executive in the Commonwealth public service with experience in border protection, national security, environment protection and defence sectors.

The Executive Fellows Program:
Broadened her understanding of contemporary leadership
Expanded her network which has evolved into numerous enduring professional relationships
Challenged her to think differently about complex public sector challenges
Fostered her interest in user centred design

Gill is currently a Deputy Director at the Australian Strategic Policy Institute with a focus on strategy, governance and capability. After leaving the public service in 2014, she established her own consulting firm focused on strategy, governance and transformation particularly relation to business outcomes, security, ICT and cyber strategy. Prior to establishing her company, she held Chief Operating Officer and Senior Executive roles in government as well as private company Director roles.

She is a Non-Executive Director with over 20 years’ Board and Committee experience and is currently on the Board of the Australian Institute of Professional Intelligence Officers.

Some of Gill’s career achievements include:

Enhancing public sector governance and strategic policy capability
Shaping workforce through the Attorney-General’s Department strategic workforce plan Broader Horizons: Agile Global Diverse
Defining the technology future through the National Archives of Australia ICT Strategic Plan 2016-2018
Defining the digital future through a Digital Transformation Agenda for the National Archives of Australia
Transforming Australian border management through design and implementation of SmartGate for the Australian Customs Service
Leading a team awarded the Prime Minister’s Award for Excellence in Public Sector Management in 2008 for collaboration across Customs and Immigration

Gillian Savage is an Alumni Ambassador pre-2022. To find out more about the Alumni Ambassador program, click here