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George Rivers

Associate Dean, Research Collaboration

Monash University

Faculty of Business and Economics

Faculty: Expert contributors

Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Areas of expertise

  • Economics and finance

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Dr George Rivers is Associate Dean (Industry Research) with the Faculty of Business and Economics at Monash University. He holds an honours degree, a Masters degree and a PhD, each in economics, which he received from Monash University. Dr Rivers is a former deputy director of the Monash MBA program and has an interest in both business economics and industrial organisation. He was selected in 2006 for the Vice-Chancellor’s Show Case for Teaching Excellence and was the recipient of Dean’s Award for Excellence in Teaching in 2003 and 2006.

Dr Rivers is the joint author of Economics in the Business Environment (Pearson Education, Australia 2004), and sole author of Macroeconomics in the Business Environment (Pearson Education, Australia 2005). 

Dr Rivers has been engaged as a consultant by various government departments as a cost-benefit economist including the Department of Sustainability and the Environment; Department of Primary Industries (Victoria); Department of Primary Industries and Resources of South Australia (PIRSA); Victorian Road Corporation; Energy Safe Victoria (ESV), Department of Health and Human Services (Victoria) and the Victorian Department of Justice and Regulation, as well as, the Supreme and Magistrates Courts. Since 2012, he has presented annual two-day economic evaluation workshops in New Zealand for the Government Economic Network, sponsored by the New Zealand Treasury. Dr Rivers also presented to the evaluations unit of at the Australian Taxation Office in 2011 and the Queensland Competition Authority in 2012. He is a council member of the Economic Society of Australia.

ANZSOG programs

Dr Rivers teaches in the following ANZSOG courses:

Executive Master of Public Administration (EMPA)- Government in a Market Economy (Melbourne city leader)
Policy and Program Skills

Selected publications

Nicklen P, Rivers G, Ooi C, Ilic D, Reeves S, Walsh K, et al. (2016) An Approach for Calculating Student-Centered Value in Education – A Link between Quality, Efficiency, and the Learning Experience in the Health Professions. PLoS ONE, 11(9): e0162941. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0162941
Maloney, S.R., Nicklen, P.D., Rivers, G.S., Foo, J., Ooi, C., Reeves, S., Walsh, K., & Ilic, D. (2015) A cost-effectiveness analysis of blended versus face-to-face delivery of evidence-based medicine to medical students. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 17(7): 1-10.
Rivers, G.S., Foo, J., Ilic, D., Nicklen, P.D., Reeves, S., Walsh, K., & Maloney, S.R. (2015) The economic value of an investment in physiotherapy education: A net present value analysis. Journal of Physiotherapy, 61(3): 148-154.
Maloney, S.R., Nicklen, P.D., Rivers, G.S., Ooi, C., Reeves, S., Walsh, K., & Ilic, D. (2015) A cost-effectiveness analyses of online versus face-to-face delivery of evidence-based medicine to medical students. ANZAHPE-AMEA 2015, 29 March-1 April, The University of Newcastle, Newcastle, p. 194.
Nicklen, P.D., Rivers, G.S., Ooi, C., Ilic, D., Reeves, S., Walsh, K., & Maloney, S.R. (2015) An approach for calculating student-centered value in education – the link between quality, efficiency, and the learning experience in the health professions. ANZAHPE-AMEA, 29 March-1 April, The University of Newcastle, Newcastle, p. 333.
Nicklen, P.D., Keating, J.L., Rivers, G.S., & Maloney, S.R. (2014) Students’ savings through web-conference learning within health professional education. Medicine 2.0, 9-10 October, JMIR Publications Inc, Canada, p. 2053.