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Dr Marion Frere

Director, Regulatory Practice



Melbourne, Australia

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Dr Marion Frere is the Director of Regulatory Practice at ANZSOG and works closely with the National Regulators Community of Practice (NRCoP). Marion has a PhD in Criminology from the University of Melbourne and has worked in each of national, state, and local government, including over a decade as a senior executive in the Victorian Public Service. In 2002, her PhD won the Chancellor’s medal for Humanities.

She was the Founding Deputy Director of the McCaughey Centre for Promotion of Mental Health and Community Wellbeing, in the School of Population Health at the University of Melbourne between 2006 and 2011. Her government experience spans strategy and delivery roles across the Departments of Premier and Cabinet, Justice, Health and Human Services, and Education and Training, as well as time on secondment to local government with the City of Melbourne.

She has direct experience in exercising regulatory authority in human services at a local level, and in shaping regulatory policy. Working at the interface between theory and practice in senior roles in both universities and the public service, Marion has a strong commitment to, and experience in, the virtuous cycle of practice informing theory, and theory informing practice.