Dr Amanda Moffatt
Creative Director
Iscariot Media Pty Ltd (IM)
Faculty: Expert contributors
QLD, Australia

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Directory update requestDr Amanda Moffatt has been designing and managing creative projects for over 20 years. Her qualifications in education, the arts and counselling have seen her work in a variety of contexts including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island communities, formal education from early childhood through to tertiary levels, TESOL and people with disabilities. For over a decade Amanda ran her own enterprise, Bowerbird Creative Studio, that specialised in designing, facilitating and producing innovative and educational projects catering to multilingual and culturally diverse communities. Since joining Iscariot Media Pty Ltd (IM) in 2019 Amanda’s role as Creative Director has overseen diverse creative projects including a multitude of high-profile designs and branding, building a call centre, producing animations on everything from gambling harm to COVID awareness, and bringing state-wide social media campaigns to life.
Iscariot Media Pty Ltd (IM) is a 100% Indigenous owned and managed Brisbane-based business. Like many Indigenous businesses in Queensland, Iscariot evolved from a micro-business creating Indigenous education resources for teachers into one of Queensland’s leading full service Indigenous creative and training agencies. They design and deliver creative, digital and training solutions that connect with and empower Indigenous people, communities and services.